Alexandra C., age 5
If you notice one dayThat it’s so cold throughout
That you need to cover,
But, shivering, you discover
That you’re no reason handless,
Like an enormous, unwinged,
Amazing, strong bird
Who only can run…
Like an enormous, unwinged,
Amazing, strong bird
Who only can run…
All right, it’s me the one
That have taken your arms,
Being in trouble of hugging myself
In the middle of a stormy afternoon.
That have taken your arms,
Being in trouble of hugging myself
In the middle of a stormy afternoon.
And …if you simply cannot find yourself
Anywhere, one morning,
Let know that
It’s me the one who needs you so
Anywhere, one morning,
Let know that
It’s me the one who needs you so
That I had to kidnap you overseas,
To stay nearest,
Quiet and still, stealing time from you
Until each tear were shared.
To stay nearest,
Quiet and still, stealing time from you
Until each tear were shared.
The same, if you wake up one night
With so many blue-singing-fruits around
That the heaven-trees and their angels
Could become enviously,
With so many blue-singing-fruits around
That the heaven-trees and their angels
Could become enviously,
Be sure, too, it’s me,
The one who invented them, making collages
By cutting special paper-dreams I got
And sadly adorning you with, in your sleep.
The one who invented them, making collages
By cutting special paper-dreams I got
And sadly adorning you with, in your sleep.
“Oh, no, do not be sorry for that!
It’s not so bad to spread
Undesired beautiful feelings
Or care that nobody is interested in…
It’s not so bad to spread
Undesired beautiful feelings
Or care that nobody is interested in…
This is the realy best part…
Actually, I can say this is the point!”,
Said to me the greatest spam-lover ever,
The Christ Himself.
Actually, I can say this is the point!”,
Said to me the greatest spam-lover ever,
The Christ Himself.
Miriam D., age 5
Minunat! Minunat!
RăspundețiȘtergereMulţumesc, Michi! Eşti aşa de scumpă cu mine! Tocmai mă întrebam dacă, prin absurd, ar putea să mai înţeleagă cineva ceva din asta, ...având în vedere cât de bine ştiu limbi străine precum engleza şi claritatea :)