Tot pentru tine, cea care cauţi patrie în inima mea, dragă.
cutie de împachetat realitatea
duminică, 14 noiembrie 2010
vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010
joi, 4 noiembrie 2010
miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2010
You Alien Fairy
The same as the necessity

of having a strong concept in mind
when you think, paint or teach
it's a brilliant thing to have an well-found concept
in heart, when you love.
If not, you fairy, my suffering fairy,
you'll spend day by day
playing with your own leaf,
the alien one I got yesterday for you,
in the wind of your thoughts...
Picking hopes from inside of you
confusing the purity that you use to create
with the blue similarities from the reality,
getting hurt by the comparisons,
looking for the warm shapes of leaves...

You fairy, my beautiful suffering fairy,
you're such a great mind!
So you know that you're the one
who gives form to the ideal...
and colours to the outline of the need.
I just draw a nude of words in my diary...
Of you, being the only one, dear alien fairy,
who discovered
that every empty dream
needs a lovely skin.

marți, 26 octombrie 2010
vineri, 22 octombrie 2010
vineri, 17 septembrie 2010
miercuri, 1 septembrie 2010
Rather sad story
It's not necessary to pack
to many things for the travel.
I know I'm gonna reach that nether world,
I cannot denie that I'm allready in...
In the same time,
a strong team of judgers is working hard
accusing and choosing
It would be lovely
if it's possible for me to keep
as captive, just one object,
the only thing I've packed for my "ever":
An ancient beautiful poem,
one of the glorious David.
...Number 142 sounds bright,
I need to know it by heart.
It is allready said in the book
that any cry or any pray
will make no difference there,
all will be vanished in the air.
I know, I allready know that
it is told from the begining
that the sorrow in death
woun't count at all, nobody'll hear.
But ...having those lirics in mind,
like children which use to hold
their favorite pillow every night,
it would be so great!
It's only for me, for my joy,
to feel so good shouting The Name,
speaking with Somebody up there,
although remaining unheard.
sâmbătă, 21 august 2010
Gardens and blueberry fields
I just came back from one of the most beautiful trips I ever had at country side.
One thing realy obsessed me all week , so I have made a lot of photos with plants. Insects and other small creatures, too.
Reaching home, I discovered that somebody very close to me has published on her blog the same species of flowers, in a video this time. I was amazed about the coincidence.
So, I woun't comment to much.
Everybody has to have the eternal need to live or to cross, at least, an infinite GARDEN!
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